We accelerate science, technological research and transfer to the aeronautics and space industries for the development of reliable, robust, certifiable and sustainable innovative solutions.
At our sites in Toulouse, Bordeaux and Sophia Antipolis, we offer an integrated collaborative environment composed of engineers, researchers, experts and PhD students from academia and industry for research projects and R&T services supported by technological platforms around 4 axes: advanced manufacturing technologies, greener technologies, smart technologies and methods & tools for the development of complex systems.
Our developed technologies meet the needs of industry, integrating the results of academic research.
We are a private research foundation, supported by the French government, which funds projects in proportion to the industrial contribution and defines the regulatory framework of the foundation.
Our mission
French technological research for the benefit of the industry established on the national territory.
a link between public and private research in order to facilitate transfer by mobilizing resources from the academic world for the implementation of research in industry.
the ecosystem for the aeronautics, space and critical systems sectors by providing access to our research projects, technological platforms & expertise.
collaborative and integrated research projects based on industrial needs with an upstream contribution from the academic community, supported and financed by the French government and industrial members.

Our model

Co-financed by the industrial members and the French government as part of the PIA*
* The future investment program
Key figures
Members & partners
In March 2015, the eight IRTs launched the Association of French Institutes of Technology (FIT).
Recognized as key players in key areas of technological research, the IRTs & ITEs have created the FIT Association which aims to:
- Strengthen the competitiveness of industry in France.
- Accelerate innovation and technology transfer to industry.