
Professional Equality Index 2023

Each year, all companies with at least 50 employees must calculate their professional equality index, a tool designed to address pay inequalities between men and women. Details of the score obtained: IRT Saint Exupéry obtained an overall score of 86/100, keeping its score stable since 2022. Although we are pleased with this improvement, we continue[…]

DEEL: The Robust and Explainable Artificial Intelligence Program Enters Phase 2

DEEL (DEpendable and Explainable Learning) is a project, primarily a collaborative Franco-Quebec research team based in Toulouse (France) and Montreal (Quebec). Launched in 2018, its main objective is to develop new solutions for reliable and explainable machine learning. DEEL is managed by IVADO, CRIAQ, IID, ANITI, and IRT Saint Exupéry. With a budget of €30[…]

Onboard Anomaly Detection for Marine Environmental Protection

Article published on 05/17/2024 Anomaly Detection on Satellites for Marine Environmental Protection The oceans host a vast diversity of marine species and are a vital component of global biodiversity. Advanced technologies, such as satellite imaging and Artificial Intelligence (AI), can help scientists identify and address environmental threats to this ecosystem. In this context, the IRMA[…]

COMPINNOV TP2 project: Acting on thermoplastic prepregs to optimise the quality of industrial composite parts!

2023 marks the end of the COMPINNOV TP2 project. Three years of research and development into high-performance thermoplastic composite semi-finished products, giving us a better understanding of the links between prepregs materials and manufacturing processes. Context The IRT Saint Exupéry COMPINNOV TP2 project is part of the French aerospace industry, for aerostructure applications. Most of[…]

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