Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

ANDDURO project results: from the demonstration part to the critical one.

Since 2016, the IRT Saint Exupéry has been working in close collaboration with 15 industrial members and 4 academic members on establishing links between mechanical performance, microstructures, and parameters of metal additive manufacturing processes, with a view to their wider industrial use in the aeronautics and space sectors. The research work carried out within the[…]

METEOR Project: a technological breakthrough in the production of high-performance thermoplastic prepregs and composites.

After 3 years of research and tests, the scientific team of the IRT Saint Exupéry and the members of the METEOR project (coMpEtitive ThErmOplastic pRepreg) have completed a project that plays a very important role in the optimization of prepregs based on high-performance thermoplastics carbon fibers and resin. THE PROJECT METEOR’s mission was to develop[…]

LMD-powder process: the DePÔz project has reached a new level of technological maturity through the design and manufacture of a unique demonstrator in record time.

The DePÔz demonstrator illustrates the growing maturity of the LMD-p process through the development of design and manufacturing rules, making the IRT Saint Exupéry a major player in the industrialisation of this technology. Laser Metal Deposition is a promising metal additive manufacturing technology for industrial applications. Indeed, the ability to adapt manufacturing parameters according to[…]

Congrats to Cassiopée Galy winner of the 2020 PhD Thesis Award from 3AF!

Cassiopée Galy, Research Engineer Additive Manufacturing at IRT Saint Exupéry won 2020 PhD Thesis Award from 3AF, the French scientific society of aeronautic and Space. Her thesis was supervised by I2M Laboratory and SPI Doctorale School of Bordeaux.  THESIS SUBJECT Study of the material / process interaction in order to optimize the operating conditions of the SLM additive manufacturing process applied to[…]

A look back at one of the activities of the IRT’s composites division: thermoplastic composites.

These organic matrix composites, 50% lighter than steel, with exceptional intrinsic properties such as good damage tolerance, more resistant to temperature, abrasion due to corrosive products and high pressures and with good recyclability have been seducing industry for several years. These materials can be applied to numerous forming processes with shorter or more economical cycles[…]

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